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Over 36,000+ happy customers

One pack sold = 1kg less sea plastic

⭐ Upvoted over 5,000 times ⭐

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replenishment bundle

If you already know your favorite variety and need a refill of everything, you've come to the right place.

41,49€ Regular price 48,80€
inkl. MwSt. & kostenlosem Versand

Double replenishment = 10% extra discount

Over 50,000+ happy customers

Pay with Klarna only in 30 days

Fast delivery in 1-3 working days

100% vegan & biodegradable

1 pack = 1 kg less sea plastic

Kleine Wäscheladung
(bis zu 4.5kg)
Große Wäscheladung

More than 2,152 times purchased in the last 2 months

Your advantages with OceanWash

Effortless washing

OceanWash is completely water-soluble and can be used universally for any laundry.

Hardly any weight

A pack of 64 loads of laundry weighs only 165g and fits perfectly in your letterbox.

Use sparingly

Each detergent sheet is pre-dosed and has a dividing line so you can avoid waste due to overdosing.

100% plastic free

We package OceanWash in recyclable cardboard from responsible sources and do not use plastic.

1 pack = -1kg marine plastic

For every pack sold, we and our partner rePurpose Global remove 1kg of plastic waste from the oceans.

Detergent Sheets?!

What is OceanWash?

OceanWash laundry detergent sheets are a compact and more sustainable alternative to traditional laundry detergents for clothes .

One pack of OceanWash contains 32 detergent sheets with dividing lines for 64 loads of laundry with 4.5kg of laundry each with normal soiling.

What are the detergent sheets made of?

Our proprietary chemical formulation contains only ingredients that contribute to washing performance and detergent sheet strength . Each ingredient has been tested for environmental compatibility, water pollution and biodegradability . You can find more information about the composition in the safety data sheet .

What is the packaging made of?

We refrain from using plastic and pack our detergent sheets in recyclable paper envelopes . The paper comes from responsible sources . The paper envelopes are not only more sustainable , they are also much easier to transport than large plastic cans or boxes of liquid or powder detergent.

What makes OceanWash special?

For every pack of OceanWash detergent sheets sold , we remove 1kg of plastic waste from our oceans together with our partner rePurpose Global . So you are happy about freshly washed clothes and the sea creatures about a clean sea.

Learn more...

Go to rePurpose Global


You can find the ingredients here: data sheet

Warum unsere Pods?

Was ist das Besondere an unseren Pods?

Herkömmliche Spülmaschinenpods enthalten meist sowohl kennzeichnungspflichtige gefährliche Chemikalien als auch Duft- und Farbstoffe. Hiervon können Rückstände auf Geschirr und Besteck verbleiben, die wir mit der Nahrung aufnehmen.

Unsere Pods hingegen verzichten auf diese Substanzen und garantieren trotzdem eine sehr gute Reinigungsleistung.

Warum sollte ich die OceanWash Pods verwenden?

Schau' dir einmal die Rückseite der Verpackung deiner aktuellen Spülmaschinenpods an. Dort findest du Gefahrenhinweise und eine Inhaltstoffliste. Wenn du dort Gefahrenpiktogramme, die Wörter "Duftstoff" oder "Parfüm" findest und die Pods eingefärbt sind, kannst du sicher sein, dass Substanzen enthalten sind, die nicht notwendig sind. Entscheide selbst, ob es dir wichtig ist, dass dein Geschirr künstlich nach Zitrone riecht oder ob du lieber sicherstellen möchtest, dass du deinem Körper keine dieser Substanzen mit der Nahrung zuführst.

Woraus besteht die Verpackung?

Die Verpackung unserer Pods besteht aus Polylactid, kurz: PLA. PLA ist ein Biokunststoff, der aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen hergestellt wird. Er ist nach DIN EN 13432 kompostierbar und wird z.B. aus Mais- oder Kartoffelstärke gewonnen. Selbst wenn es die leere Verpackung am Ende nicht in die Kompostanlage schafft, gibt diese bei der Müllverbrennung nur so viel CO2 ab, wie die Mais- oder Kartoffelpflanzen zuvor aus der Umgebung aufgenommen haben. Somit ist die CO2-Bilanz der Verpackung neutral. Das Wichtigste ist aber, dass wir vollständig auf herkömmliches Plastik verzichten.


Die Inhaltsstoffe findest du hier: Datenblatt

Features & Application

How do I use the detergent sheets?

Very simple: Place OceanWash detergent sheet in the washing drum , add laundry and start the desired wash cycle .

Please refrain from any pre-wash programs .

Dosing instructions can be found on the back of the packaging and here .

You can find all FAQs here .

Why OceanWash instead of conventional detergent?

Our detergent sheets are without :

- microplastics
- Dyes
- optical brighteners/ bleaches
- Plastic packaging
- Parabens/ phosphates

All ingredients are vegan, not tested on animals and easily biodegradable . The same goes for the packaging, of course.

For which textiles is OceanWash suitable?

OceanWash Detergent Sheets are suitable for garments of all colors . You can wash white, colored and black laundry without hesitation. Our detergent sheets can also be used for wool and silk, but we recommend gentler special detergents for this.

Is OceanWash suitable for hand washing?

Yes! Our detergent sheets are also ideal for hand washing , for example when travelling.

Simply dissolve half a sheet of detergent in 5L of water and your clothes will be wonderfully clean.

Wie verwende ich die Spülmaschinenpods?

Ganz einfach: So wie alle anderen Spülmaschinenpods auch: Einfach einen Pod in die Dosierkammer geben und den gewünschten Spülgang starten.
Unsere Pods sind für alle gängigen Spülmaschinen und für jeden Spülgang geeignet.

In den Pods ist bereits ein Klarspüler enthalten.
Der Salzgehalt der Pods ist ausreichend bis Wasserhärtegrad 3 (hart).
Es muss also nur bei sehr hartem Wasser zusätzliches Salz verwendet werden.

Warum OceanWash statt herkömmlichen Spülmaschinenpods?

Unsere Spülmaschinenpods sind ohne:

- Mikroplastik
- Gefährliche Chemikalien
- Farbstoffe
- Duftstoffe
- Plastikverpackung

Sämtliche Inhaltsstoffe sind vegan, frei von Tierversuchen und einfach biologisch abbaubar. Gleiches gilt natürlich für die Verpackung.


Du kannst unsere Spülmaschinenpods auch nutzen, um deine Waschmaschine zu reinigen. Schmeiß' einfach einen Pod in die Trommel und starte einen 90°C Waschgang ohne Kleidung. Dadurch wird die Waschmaschine optimal gereinigt.

delivery times

Standard Shipping

The average delivery time in Germany is 1 to 3 working days .

To Austria this is an average of 2 to 5 working days .

express delivery

The average delivery time in Germany is 1 to 2 working days .

To Austria and Switzerland this is an average of 2 to 3 working days .

shipping processing

All orders are processed, packed and dispatched within 24 hours.
If a package is lost in transit, we will also send the order again within 24 hours.


Click here for: Datasheet

Your positive contribution

1 pack = 1kg of sea plastic

Through our partnership with rePurpose Global, we finance the cleanup of 1kg of plastic waste from our seas, oceans and coasts with every pack of OceanWash sold. rePurpose Global has created a global system with which plastic waste is first recovered from nature and then fed into various recycling cycles. This creates jobs for people with no prospects in the most affected regions and the plastic waste cannot be returned to nature.

How does this work?

The project we are supporting takes place in Chennai, India, a coastal city on the Bay of Bengal. It's called Neela Sapana, in German " the blue dream". Over the past few decades, the pristine coastlines and marine regions around Chennai have been devastated by spreading plastic pollution. This pollution harms wildlife and contaminates entire waterways. The Neela Sapana project aims to collect low-value plastic waste from the sea, beaches and rivers around Chennai to protect the Bay of Bengal. The collected plastic waste is sorted into 35 different types of waste in sorting stations according to their quality and recyclability.

In the sorting station

One of these types of waste includes fabric softener and liquid detergent bottles made from single-use plastic....

Read entire article

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Verursacht Hautreizungen. ...

To ask?

In our extensive FAQs you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact our customer service.

Bye, fillers!

With OceanWash, sustainable washing is finally easy. Traditional detergents contain fillers such as water or sodium sulfate that do not contribute to washing performance and create unnecessary bulk and weight.

Why tow when you can do it easily?

What do our customers say?


Don't just listen to us and read the reviews of our customers.

Join our community of over 36,000+ happy members and start your comfortable, plastic-free washing routine today.💙


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